Dec 2006


HunchenToot day

Quite an intense experience getting everything to work properly with lisp and Hunchentoot (a CM web-server), but I succeeded eventually yahoooo .... I am just giving a brief overview here, and some pointers. Among them, a blog entry by Bill Clementson was pretty useful in keeping me in a good mood :-)

First of all, it's a good idea to install ASDF and ASDF-install, two lisp libraries that automatically manages packages and installations. There is a detailed tutorial originally done by Edi Weitz, which can guide you through that. I had some troubles at first, and had to create two hidden files to configure LispWorks properly (shouldn't the first one be there already?):

----> ~/.lispworks ;; lispworks load set up #-:asdf (load "/Users/michelepasin/Documents/Lisp/asdf/asdf") (pushnew "/Users/michelepasin/Documents/Lisp/asdf/registry/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal) #-:asdf-install (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :asdf-install)

----> ~/.asdf-install ;; set up for the asdf library (setq asdf-install: *proxy* "http://openuniversityunbreakableproxy:portNumber")

Basically ASDF-install lets you retrieve properly packaged libraries very easily from the CLiki repository; so for example:

CL-USER 6 : 3 > (asdf-install:install :cl-who) Install where? 1) System-wide install: System in /usr/local/asdf-install/site-systems/ Files in /usr/local/asdf-install/site/ 2) Personal installation: System in /Users/michelepasin/.asdf-install-dir/systems/ Files in /Users/michelepasin/.asdf-install-dir/site/ 0) Abort installation. --> 2 ;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Downloading 19057 bytes from to asdf-install-0.asdf-install-tmp ... ;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Downloading 188 bytes from to asdf-install-1.asdf-install-tmp ...

Quite easy now uh? So I installed all the libraries needed by Hunchentoot just by typing the names they are listed as - unfortunately not all of them worked fine with asdf (MD5 for example) - but you can find them easily on the web and install from your local machine:

CL-USER 30 : 2 > (asdf-install:install "/Users/michelepasin/Documents/Lisp/ Hunchentoot-libraries/md5-1.8.5.tar.gz")

With a terminal command you can see exactly what's been stored:

michelepasin:~ michelepasin$ ls ~/.asdf-install-dir/systems cffi-examples.asd cl-base64.asd cl-who.asd md5.asd cffi-tests.asd cl-ppcre-test.asd cl-who.system rfc2388.asd cffi-uffi-compat.asd cl-ppcre-test.system flexi-streams.asd trivial-gray-streams.asd cffi.asd cl-ppcre.asd hunchentoot-test.asd url-rewrite.asd chunga.asd cl-ppcre.system hunchentoot.asd url-rewrite.system

That's pretty much it - I just had to set up properly the apache httpd.conf file for letting it forward calls to a specific port to hunchentoot, and check out the hello-world example provided (the CL-WHO library is needed for this example). Thanks to Edi Weitz for this handy tool!

Cite this blog post:

Michele Pasin. HunchenToot day. Blog post on Published on Dec. 11, 2006.

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