Python links (and more) 7/2/11

This post contains just a collection of various interesting things I ran into in the last couple of weeks... they're organized into three categories: pythonic links, events and conferences, and new online tools. Hope you'll find something of interest!

Pythonic stuff:

  • Epidoc Epydoc is a handy tool for generating API documentation for Python modules, based on their docstrings. For an example of epydoc's output, see the API documentation for epydoc itself (html, pdf).
  • PyEnchant PyEnchant is a spellchecking library for Python, based on the excellent Enchant library.

  • Dexml The dexml module takes the mapping between XML tags and Python objects and lets you capture that as cleanly as possible. Loosely inspired by Django's ORM, you write simple class definitions to define the expected structure of your XML document.

  • SpecGen SpecGen v5, ontology specification generator tool. It's written in Python using Redland RDF library and licensed under the MIT license.

  • PyCloud Leverage the power of the cloud with only 3 lines of python code. Run long processes on the cloud directly from your shell!

  • This is not really pythonic - but nonetheless useful to pythonists: a community-based repository of useful unix shell scripts!

Events and Conferences:

  • Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts Conference 2011 University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. The DRHA 2011 conference theme this year is "Connected Communities: global or local2local?"

  • Narrative and Hypertext Workshop at the ACM Hypertext 2011 conference in Eindhoven.

  • Culture Hack Day, London, January 2011 This event aimed at bringing cultural organisations together with software developers and creative technologists to make interesting new things.

  • History Hack Day, London, January 2011 A bunch of hackers with a passion for history getting together and doing experimental stuff

  • The 'online space for cultural informatics': lots of useful info here, about publications, jobs, people etc.

  • Agora project: Scholarly Open Access Research in European Philosophy Project looking at building an infrastructure for the semantic interlinking of European philosophy datasets

Online tools:

  • FactForge A web application aiming at showcasing a 'practical approach for reasoning with the web of linked data'.

  • Semantic Overflow A clone of Stack Overflow (collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers) for questions 'about semantic web techniques and technologies'.

  • Google Refine A tool for "working with messy data, cleaning it up, transforming it from one format into another, extending it with web services, and linking it to databases".

  • Google Scribe A text editor with embedded autocomplete suggestions as you type

  • Books Ngram Viewer Tool that displays statistical information regarding the use of user-selected sentences in a corpus of books (e.g., "British English", "English Fiction", "French") over the selected years


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Michele Pasin. Python links (and more) 7/2/11. Blog post on Published on Feb. 3, 2011.

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