PoMS Labs is an innovative and thought-provoking area of the People of Medieval Scotland database that features tools and visualizations aimed at letting users gain new perspectives on the database materials.

For example, one can browse interactively the network of relationships linking persons & institutions in medieval Scotland, based on the extant records we possess. The same data can also be explored from the perspective of the single events people took part in, e.g. based on the identifiable roles people played in the context of a transaction or a confirmation (witnesses, grantors, etc..).

With a metaphor, we could say that we want people to (re)discover the stories that make up the world of medieval Scotland!

Role:   Design and development of the prototypes.
Date:   May 2012 - Dec 2012
Link:   http://db.poms.ac.uk/labs/
Link:   http://www.michelepasin.org/techblog/2012/09/10/navigating-through-the-people-of-medieval-scotland/


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