Live coding (sometimes referred to as 'on-the-fly programming', 'just in time programming' and related term 'live programming') is a programming practice centred upon the use of improvised interactive programming. Live coding is often used to create sound and image based digital media, and is particularly prevalent in computer music, combining algorithmic composition with improvisation.
Overlapping piano numerical patterns - part 2
Livecoding with Extempore and Bento
Livecoding composition with Extempore
Livecoding concert in Strasbourg.
Livecoding concert at 2011 Libre Software Meeting. La Place Rouge, Strasbourg.
Livecoding even at Goldsmith's University.
My performance at the Thursday Club Xmas Party, organized by Goldsmith's University, London, UK.
Song title: 'Turborobot'. Livecoding environment: Impromptu.
Livecoding evening at the Anatomy Museum, Kings College, London
My performance at the ATM (Anatomy Theatre and Museum) livecoding evening, on 14/1/10 at King's College, London, UK.