Aug 2009


Representing hierarchical data with Django and MPTT

Apparently, you've got two options for managing hierarchical data in django - django-mptt and django-treebeard.

Picture 3

I didn't have any time to test both of them carefully, so I just played a bit with the first one (and with great results!). [p.s. the comparison table above is not mine, but I found it quite useful. Click on the image to find out how it was created... ]

I guess that the key feature I was looking for is the admin-integration. Trees must be displayed and edited properly in the admin... unfortunately both projects don't provide that feature by default, but luckily for there are attempts (#1 and #2) to fix this issue.

In order to use MPTT with your models you just have to download it, add it to your 'installed application' settings and register the models you intend to use:

A mimimal example usage of mptt.register is given below, where the model being set up for MPTT is suitable for use with the default arguments which specify fields and the tree manager attribute::

from django.db import models

import mptt

class Genre(models.Model):
    name \= models.CharField(max\_length\=50, unique\=True)
    parent \= models.ForeignKey('self', null\=True, blank\=True, related\_name\='children')

mptt.register(Genre, order\_insertion\_by\=\['name'\])

Then, after installing the patches, create a tree-friendly admin by subclassing MpttModelAdmin (check out the docs for more info).

Here's the result - not bad at all! I just had to install django-mptt and the patches needed for using the jquery nested-sortable library with the admin. I'll be working more on this during the next days so probably I'll be posting more stuff....

Cite this blog post:

Michele Pasin. Representing hierarchical data with Django and MPTT. Blog post on Published on Aug. 6, 2009.

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See also:


paper  Interlinking SciGraph and DBpedia datasets using Link Discovery and Named Entity Recognition Techniques

Second biennial conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019), Leipzig, Germany, May 2019.


paper  Data integration and disintegration: Managing Springer Nature SciGraph with SHACL and OWL

Industry Track, International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-17), Vienna, Austria, Oct 2017.

paper  Using Linked Open Data to Bootstrap a Knowledge Base of Classical Texts

WHiSe 2017 - 2nd Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic web (colocated with ISWC17), Vienna, Austria, Oct 2017.

paper  Fitting Personal Interpretation with the Semantic Web: lessons learned from Pliny

Digital Humanities Quarterly, Jan 2017. Volume 11 Number 1


paper  Insights into Nature’s Data Publishing Portal

The Semantic Puzzle (online interview), Apr 2016.


paper  Moving EMLoT towards the web of data: an approach to the representation of humanities citations based on role theory and formal ontology

New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, (forthcoming). (part of the 'Envisioning REED in the Digital Age' collection)

paper  Structuring that which cannot be structured: A role for formal models in representing aspects of Medieval Scotland

New Perspectives on Medieval Scotland: 1093-1286, Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer, Studies in Celtic History Series, Aug 2013.

paper  Fitting Personal Interpretations with the Semantic Web

Digital Humanities 2013, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Jul 2013.


paper  PhiloSURFical: browse Wittgensteinʼs Tractatus with the Semantic Web

Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information - Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg, Austria, Aug 2007. pp. 319-335