Creating Questionnaires with Django

Simple and useful application from Aperte: Django Questionnaire. The Django Questionnaire app allows you to easily set up a working questionnaire, complete with email-invitations and CSV export functionality. This app allows you to spread your questions over multiple pages (categories), and currently supports 4 types of answers.

The application is pretty simple and well designed. Useful for doing large user-studies, for example. The download page lets you have it packaged as a django project, but transforming it into a reusable app is not too difficult (I've done that but I'm not posting it here because of several other little hacks I had to do so to accommodate the project I'm using the questionnaire for).

Tip: if you're using django 1.1 one little thing that might help you get going quickly is changing these lines of templates/admin/admin_index.html:

{% block stylesheet %}{% load adminmedia %}{% admin_media_prefix %}css/dashboard.css{% endblock %}

..with this:

{% block extrastyle %}{{ block.super }}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% load adminmedia %}
{% admin_media_prefix %}css/dashboard.css" />
{% endblock %}

By the way, if you don't feel like setting up the questionnaire yourself you can easily create one on, which is (I assume) managed by the guys at Aperte.

Cite this blog post:

Michele Pasin. Creating Questionnaires with Django. Blog post on Published on Dec. 3, 2009.

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See also:


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